Become a valued member of our remote team of InteliChek Certified Agents helping Fortune 100 businesses make a difference.
Become a valued member of our
remote team of InteliChek Certified Agents helping Fortune 100
businesses make a difference.
Our Commitment
We are committed to fair and inclusive hiring of any individual interested in letting their talent shine brightly.
We are committed to transparency. You will receive an email—from a real human—after each phase of the hiring process.
Application Phase
We ask that you start by filling out our application.
It is a two-step process: First, you will take a quick skills survey, then you will fill out a simple questionnaire sharing general information about yourself.
If your initial skill set aligns with the role you are applying for, we will invite you to take our
Numerical Skills Assessment.
We appreciate the time you have invested in applying. We promise to review your
application and let you know, either way.
Numerical Skills Phase
You will receive an email inviting
you to take the assessment.
If your skills continue to align with the role you
are applying for, we will invite you to the
Talent Leader Phase!
Talent Leader Phase
At this stage, you will receive an email from our
Talent Leader with a link to schedule a 45-minute
chat for us to get to know you a little better,
and for you to learn more about InteliChek.
If your skills continue to align with the role you
are applying for, we will invite you to the
Assessment Phase of the application process.
Assessment Phase
Now that you have met with our Talent Leader,
we will introduce you to a sampling of our training modules. At the end of each module, you will be asked to complete a comprehension assessment.
If your skills continue to align with the role you
are applying for, we will invite you to the
Mock Call Phase of the application process.
You will be asked to sign a Non-Disclosure
Agreement prior to the mock calls.
Mock Call Phase
This phase is all about showing off your talent.
Once you have signed and returned your NDA,
we will invite you to choose a time to participate
in a few mock remote "mystery shopper" calls.
Feedback about your calls will be passed to the InteliChek Certified Agent Team.
Team Decision Phase
At this stage, the hiring team will engage in a discussion of your core competencies and skills for
the role. When we've determined that you are a great addition to the team, you will receive an email inviting you to become an InteliChek Certified Agent.
Onboarding Phase
If you choose to accept our invitation to join the InteliChek Certified Agent team, your Team Leader will begin the onboarding process with an email asking you to submit all the necessary paperwork.
You can then begin shopping as an
InteliChek Certified Agent!
Our Commitment
We are committed to fair and inclusive hiring of individuals interested in brightly shining their talent.
We are committed to transparency throughout
the hiring process. You will receive an email, from a real human, after each phase of the hiring process.
Application Phase
We ask that you start by
filling out our application.
It is a two-step process.
You will first take a quick skills survey, then fill out a simple questionnaire sharing general information about yourself.
If your initial skill set aligns
with the role you are applying for, we will invite you to take our
Numerical Skills Assessment.
We appreciate the time you have invested in applying.
We promise to review
your application and let you know either way.
Numerical Skills Phase
You will receive an email inviting
you to take the assessment.
If your skills continue to align with the role you are applying for, we will invite you to the
Talent Leader Phase!
Talent Leader Phase
At this stage you will receive an email from our Talent Leader with a link to schedule a 45 minute chat for us to get to know you a little better
and for you to learn more about InteliChek.
If your skills continue to align with the role you are applying for, we will invite you to the
Assessment Phase of the application process.
Assessment Phase
Now that you have met with our Talent Leader, we will introduce you to a sampling of our training modules. At the end
of each module, you will be asked to complete a comprehension assessment.
If your skills continue to align with the role you are applying for, we will invite you to the
Mock Call Phase of the application process.
You will be asked to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement prior to the mock calls.
Mock Call Phase
This phase is all about showing off your talent. Once you have signed and returned your NDA,
we will invite you to choose a time to participate in a few mock remote "Mystery Price Shopper" calls.
Feedback about your calls will be passed to the InteliChek Certified Agent Team.
Team Decision Phase
At this stage, the hiring team will engage in a discussion of your core competencies,
and skills for the role. When it is determined that we've identified that you are a great addition to the team, you will receive an email inviting you to become a InteliChek Certified Agent.
Onboarding Phase
If you choose to accept our invitation to join the InteliChek Certified Agent team, your Team Leader will begin the onboarding process with an email asking you to submit all the necessary paperwork.
You can then begin Mystery Price Shopping as an
InteliChek Certifed Agent!
Any communication that is sent from InteliChek is only sent from our registered domain name InteliChek only conducts automotive mystery shopping. We never ask our agents to accept or deposit a money order or check in order to perform a mystery shopping task. Please report any fraudulent activity involving the InteliChek name to our admins.